I have acne, what kind of makeup and cosmetics can me use and what not?

Unfortunately, acne is not a skin problem that ends with adolescence. It is true that juvenile acne is more frequent because at that age our body undergoes greater hormonal transformations that favor the appearance of pimples and blackheads, but acne is also very common in.

And when we are 20, 30 or 40 years old and we suffer from acne, one of our big questions is: what kind of makeup and cosmetics can I use and what can I not?  We have spoken Doctoral dermatologist, to answer this question. This is the kind of makeup you should apply if you have pimples. Very attentive!

What makeup is recommended and what is not recommended for skin with acne

  • If you have acne, you will feel identified with this dilemma: wanting, but being afraid that your skin will worsen its appearance due to makeup. And it is that taking into account that many makeup and cosmetic products contain oils among their ingredients and that a lot of dirt accumulates in the brushes and sponges that we use to put on makeup, it is completely true that special care must be taken not to favor the appearance of sebum and the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Does this mean that if we have acne we should never put on makeup? NO. But you must choose very well the products you use to do it. “To apply the right products and not make the acne problem worse, it is essential to take into account your skin type, your age and the climate of the place where you live,” says dermatologist Gloria Abad. And always starting from that base, this is the most recommended makeup for skin with pimples and blackheads:

Non-comedogenic makeup

When you go to buy makeup at a store, you should check that the ingredients that appear on the label are ‘non-comedogenic’ or ‘ non-occlusive ‘. In cases of acne, the skin must breathe well and this type of makeup does not cause clogging of the pores.

Oil free makeup

You should always use ‘oil free’ makeup if you have breakouts of pimples and blackheads frequently. And this is applicable to any type of makeup: powder, fluid, compact, stick

NON-astringent cosmetics

Astringent products are also not recommended as they tend to leave facial skin quite dry, causing the appearance of the complexion to crack and worsen.

Natural makeup

Without a doubt, the best makeup you can choose if you have acne-prone skin is one that contains only natural ingredients. Look for products that contain nourishing and antioxidant properties that won’t clog pores and leave your skin soft, light, and highly breathable. You can use cosmetics with aloe Vera, for example, without  silicones and with non-greasy vegetable oils. It is true that these types of products are more expensive, but we assure you that, if your pocket can afford it, your skin will appreciate it.

Makeup with active ingredients 

Salicylic acidlavender essential oil, tea tree essential oil, green clay… Look for makeup that contains any of these ingredients especially indicated against acne and your skin will not only not get worse, but will improve a lot.

Makeup specially indicated for people with acne

Yes, there are makeups specifically indicated for girls with acne. You can also ask a professional or your dermatologist what kind of cosmetics he recommends for your specific case.

Can makeup promote the appearance of acne?

  1. Yes and no. As Gloria Abad tells us, “greasy or poor quality makeup and creams can facilitate the formation of acne, but only if there is a predisposition to having pimples due to genetic, hormonal or stress causes.
  2. That is, if you are a person who already has pimples or who has a tendency to have them, these can be aggravated by the use of makeup or cosmetics that are not recommended. However, if you’ve never had acne nor have overly oily skin, you can rest assured that makeup is highly unlikely to cause pimples.
  3. However, for the good of our, in any case it is advisable to use good quality makeup with beneficial ingredients for the dermis.

Other makeup tips for people with pimples and blackheads

Now you know what type of makeup you should use if you have acne, but, in addition to this, you should take into account some tips when applying makeup and taking care of your skin.

Lots of hydration 

Hydration is essential if you want to reduce pimples on your body and especially on your face; therefore, just as you must consciously choose the type of makeup, you must also pay special attention to the type of moisturizing creams you use. The most appropriate are those indicated for mixed or acne-prone skin, in a fluid formatnon-greasy and with a calming effect.

Daily facial cleansing

It is useless to use makeup suitable for your skin with acne, if you do not take care of it properly afterwards. Daily is essential, especially if you put on makeup every day. Be careful not to choose cleaning products that are too greasy.

Do not share your makeup utensils and clean them every time you use them

  • Makeup brushes, brushes and sponges accumulate a lot of dirt and, with it, a large number of germs and bacteria that do not favor the disappearance of pimples and blackheads at all. The best thing is that you and, of course, do not share them with anyone.
  • The conclusion of the dermatologist Gloria Abad so that you can choose the most appropriate makeup for your skin with acne and that you can reduce the pimples on your face is the following: “Good hygiene, quality products and knowing the type of skin you have. Regarding the latter, you can go to a professional to help you determine it.

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