4 definitive tricks to get your eyeliner right

When we talk about makeup, there seems to be no end: lipstick, infinite eyelashes thanks to our beloved mascara, defined eyebrows, eye contour, blush, eyeliner, primer, and so on, endless more products and techniques that we can use to make our face looks beautiful and at the same time natural.

Today we are going to focus on the eye line, that makeup that never goes out of style; do you know how to do the eye line correctly? Sometimes, it is not easy; neither for the experts nor for those who are less skilled with this makes but don’t spread panic. Here we leave you the definitive tricks to do the eyeliner well. 

Tricks to get the eyeliner right

What eyeliner to use

The first thing is to choose the eyeliner that best matches your eyes. You already know that there are several types of eye pencil, marker, cream, liquid… Using one or the other will depend on how your eyes are and what you want to achieve: enlarge them, intensify the look, and avoid the droopy eyes effect… We recommend that you get a liquid eye pencil or a marker type, they are the easiest to use with an ideal result.

First make the upper eye part

Start with the top line. Make a very fine line at the top of your eye, at the level of the eyelashes, starting from the inside out. If you see that it has not turned out as you wanted, feel free to erase and start over. Getting the hang of it takes time. Separate the eyelid a little with the help of your fingers to make it easier for you. If you prefer, you can also paint the eye line at the bottom, this type of makeup is widely used, especially for evening

To make a fine and very precise line on the eyes well, you should use the tip of the eyeliner and start to mark the corners, do not make the mistake of making the eye line too long.

Use a template

Use a stencil to make the eye line thicker so that it goes exactly the same on both eyes; Create a template according to the shape of your eye using only a cardboard, place the template on top of the eye, pass the eyeliner and do the same step on the other eye.

For thick lines

To make a thick line or one that is slightly thinner at the beginning of the eye and thicker in the middle, start at the inner corner of the upper eye and work your way up until it becomes slightly thicker. At the end of the eyelid.

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